Friday 26.01 written exams in aula 007 VSR start 9:30 instead of 9 am.

Friday 26.01 written exams in aula 007 VSR start 9:30 instead of 9 am.

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Dear LM-37 Translation students,

On Friday 26 January our University will commemorate Remembrance Day (La Giornata della Memoria) at 8:40 am in the atrium of Piazza San Marco, 4 (entrance from Via La Pira due to tramvia work) in front of the plaque remembering the students and faculty expelled from the University of Florence due to the Racial Laws of 1938. Like every year, I plan to participate with a delegation of my trade union and so our written exams in aula 007 VSR will start around 9:30 instead of 9 am. 

Best regards,

John Gilbert