Optional lesson on 31.10 & no lessons on 7-8 November

Optional lesson on 31.10 & no lessons on 7-8 November

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Dear L-11 3rd year Language & Culture of the U.S.A. students,


As I told you at our lessons, I will not be doing lessons on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 November, and we will make them up later in the semester.


In addition, Wednesday 1 November is a holiday and there will be no lessons as the University will be closed. So as not to create a difference between my Tuesday and Wednesday lessons, and so that we will continue to do the same part of the program in both lessons every week, on Tuesday 31 October (Halloween!) from 11 to 1 pm in aula 005 VSR I will do an optional (not obligatory) lesson on the centuries-old multicultural holiday of Halloween. Students from the Wednesday group are invited to participate, and for those who have schedule difficulties, all the material will be on my Moodle page. Regular lessons will begin again on Tuesday 14 & Wednesday 15 November.


Best regards,

John Gilbert


P.S. For those who are interested, tomorrow Monday 23 October there will be a torchlight procession for peace starting from Ponte alle Grazie at 6:30 pm and going to San Miniato al Monte above Piazzale Michelangelo.